Emmanuel Church
Los Angeles

We are a contemporary church in its praise but conservative in its teaching. You and your precious family will find yourself praising and glorifying God in a unique and vibrant environment. You and your family will listen to the exposition of the Bible without manipulation. The Word of God is alive and effective and sharper than a two-edged sword.
Our vision is to reach the world, one person at a time with the pure message of the Word of God, offering them forgiveness of sins, salvation of the soul and eternal life through Jesus.
Through Christian fellowship and celebrating fellowship with one another, we express and experience the love of God. We seek to love God and love one another.
We are a multiethnic and multigenerational church who find in Christ the reason to come together to worship God and learn from His Word. We have a place reserved for you and your family.

The question that resonates with many people is: What must I do to be saved? The answer is clear. Jesus already did it all. He paid the price with his own blood by dying on the cross.
All you have to do is:
1. Acknowledge that you have continually sinned.
2. Sincerely repent of all your sins.
3. You know that God loves you unconditionally.
4. Receive Jesus as your Savior voluntarily.
5. Strive to live for God holy.
If you do this, you will receive the forgiveness of all your sins, you will have the salvation of your soul and you will obtain eternal life.